This year’s 14th issue of Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump magazine revealed on Monday that the fifth season of the Shokugeki no Souma anime will premiere on April 10 at 24:30 (effectively April 11 at 12:30 a.m.). nano.RIPE (ending themes for Shokugeki no Soma anime’s second through fourth seasons) will perform the opening theme song “Last […]
Author Archives: Nakama Store
Nogami Takeshi’s Shidenkai no Maki manga ended in the February 2020 issue of Akita Shoten’s Champion RED magazine. The previous issue of the magazine hinted in November that the manga was “approaching its climax.” The manga is set in a world where high school students commute to school in aircraft, and schools have turf wars […]
Strike the Blood has a total of three seasons so far with both TV and OVA series, and is currently producing a fourth season as an OVA for 2020. The key visual for the fourth season has recently been revealed and comes in two styles. One shows the hero Akatsuki Kojou with familiar heroine Himeragi […]