There is no fan in the world of Bleach more dedicated than Kudou Masashi, the famous character designer of the animated adaptation of the manga by Tite Kubo. Recently, the talented artist was hired in the same role to make the television transposition of a Manhwa, Tower of God (Kami no Tou in Japanese).The original […]
Category Archives: Infos
Strike the Blood has a total of three seasons so far with both TV and OVA series, and is currently producing a fourth season as an OVA for 2020. The key visual for the fourth season has recently been revealed and comes in two styles. One shows the hero Akatsuki Kojou with familiar heroine Himeragi […]
A new season has been announced for the anime adaptation of Ashihara Daisuke’s manga World Trigger. The main cast will also be reprising their roles in the new series. The story follows the fight between invaders from another world known as ‘Neighbors’ and the National Defense Agency known as ‘Border’ who resist them. We follow […]