Introduction: The upcoming anime series Dr. Stone has revealed a second key visual that features the Stone World and the four characters Senku, Raiju, Yuzuriha, and Tsukasa. The series will be directed by Iino Shinya (assistant director for Made in Abyss), with series composition and screenwriting by Kido Yuichiro. The character design is provided by […]
Tag Archives: Summer 2019
One Piece STAMPEDE, this year’s celebratory movie of Oda Eiichiro’s most famous series, finally releases its second trailer which features a lot of familiar faces from the franchise. The official site for the movie released the trailer which might contain the moment that everyone looks forward to seeing: pirates, the marines, and the revolutionaries coming […]
A new teaser trailer for the movie One Piece: Stampede has been released – and you can watch it below! <span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” This new trailer doesn’t really give us any more details about what One Piece: Stampede’s story is all about, other than the fact that some […]
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