There is no fan in the world of Bleach more dedicated than Kudou Masashi, the famous character designer of the animated adaptation of the manga by Tite Kubo. Recently, the talented artist was hired in the same role to make the television transposition of a Manhwa, Tower of God (Kami no Tou in Japanese).The original webtoon of Lee Jong-hui, in Siu art, will be the first Manhwa (Korean comics) to be adapted in animated form, effectively opening a new era linked to the Manhwa universe. On the net, enthusiasm has become contagious, as the work is among the most followed and loved Manhwa by the community of Naver. Produced by Crunchyroll, Tower of God will boast an exceptional team, although the animation studio has not yet been announced.
The anime will be directed by Sano Takeshi, director of Sengoku Basara: End of Judjement, as well as the famous veteran animator who has lent all his talent to works such as Neon Genesis Evangelion and the films of Lupin III. The famous Kevin Pinkininstead will take care of producing and realizing the soundtrack of the anime.
Finally, we remind you that the anime will land on the Crunchyroll starting from April 1, 2020. And what are your expectations for the animated series of Towers of God? Tell us your opinion about it, as usual, with a comment in the space provided below.